A-1 Locksmith

October 2010

Becoming A Locksmith

The phrase “it takes all kinds to run the world” is an interesting truth. Of course, if everyone were alike in every way the world would be a boring place.

By |2010-10-31T22:17:02-05:00October 31, 2010|Locksmith|

The Future Of Locks Is Biological

Technology is changing the world around us in ways that we could have never imagined even as little as twenty years ago. We have pocket-sized devices that are capable of keeping in touch with anyone at any time from anywhere on the planet.

By |2010-10-30T20:10:05-05:00October 30, 2010|High Security Locks|

Security Tips for Your Dallas Home

It’s hard to protect your home from professional thieves; however, most home burglaries are performed by amateurs. These are the thieves that are more easily frustrated if you make use of some of these simple home security precautions:

By |2010-10-30T07:58:39-05:00October 30, 2010|Residential Locksmith|

Fighting Back Against Locksmith Scams

There is a phrase that people tend to use that can say a great deal without saying a great deal: you take the good with the bad. Anyone who has been to school or work or had to deal with family issues knows this phrase is all too true.

By |2010-10-29T17:51:11-05:00October 29, 2010|Plano Locksmith|

What are Bump Keys – How Do They Work?

Lock bumping, which is commonly known as ‘rapping’ or ‘key bumping’ is a technique that is supposed to be known only to locksmiths; however, burglars know this technique as well. This puts an individual, their family, AND their possessions in danger of robbery.

By |2010-10-28T01:29:38-05:00October 28, 2010|Commercial Locksmith|

Clip Your Keys

College students have a million unique things to worry about every day. Exams, living arrangements, having enough money, conflicting schedules, making it to class on time, balancing studying and sleeping, and maintaining good grades are just a few of the many sources of stress for the average university undergraduate.

By |2010-10-27T23:48:59-05:00October 27, 2010|Replace Keys|

How to Watch for Locksmith Scams in the Dallas Area

Scams of all shapes and sizes are out there. Scam artists are out there to take advantage of people, especially in an emergency situation such as being locked out of your car. As a locksmith who has been in business for more than 60 years, A-1 Locksmith wants to warn consumers BEFORE they find themselves in a sticky situation with one of these scammers. It is the hope of A-1 Locksmith that consumers will contact them FIRST before being taken advantage of by these crooked companies.

By |2010-10-27T16:33:38-05:00October 27, 2010|Arlington TX Locksmith|